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Upgrade Your Life with Smart Home Automation

Three pieces of smart home technology placed on a counter.

Learn How to Put Your Home on Autopilot and Make Living Easier 

Are you looking for a way to amplify your Bay Area lifestyle? We at Northbay Technology Company have the perfect solution for that. Think about all of the little things you do throughout the day that take up so much of your time.

Let's say you wake up at 6 a.m. You have to raise the shades on each window, adjust your thermostat temperature so it's not freezing, turn on all of your lights, and that's just the beginning. With smart home automation, you can make your days flow more seamlessly from start to finish. Keep reading to learn more!

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How Audio-Visual Solutions Can Help Your Restaurant Grow

Customers watching a football game in a restaurant on a commercial AV system

Boost the fun at your restaurant by adding a commercial AV system

One of the best ways to increase sales, keep customers engaged, and ensure repeat business at your restaurant in the Bay Area is with an audio-video system. It brings new sights, sounds, and sensations into your dining area. After all, restaurants need to offer more than excellent food, because you work in a very competitive environment. Commercial AV helps you stand out from the rest!

With the help of commercial AV, you can provide customers with ambiance, entertainment, and a place to socialize. But most of all, it provides value and an overall better experience for them. If your California restaurant does not already have audio-visual solutions, read on to discover how they can transform your commercial space. 

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Top-Notch Audio Distribution for Your Whole Restaurant or Winery

A dining area benefiting from an audio distribution system.

Give Your Guests a Hi-Fi Sound Performance in Every Dining Area

A dining space’s atmosphere is crucial in whether guests will return and become regulars at your establishment. Whether you run a restaurant, winery, or other commercial property in Healdsburg, CA, you can elevate the overall ambiance of the place with upgraded entertainment!

An audio distribution system guarantees that every patron hears and experiences your chosen media while eating a meal or tasting a new wine, creating the ultimate dining and relaxation environment. Want to learn how to optimize an audio distribution setup for your commercial space? Keep reading our blog` below.


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Give Your Restaurant or Winery a Boost with Outdoor Entertainment

A restaurant’s outdoor dining area benefiting from upgraded outdoor entertainment.

Outdoor AV Creates an Inviting Dining Atmosphere

The way a restaurant or winery makes customers feel will determine if they keep coming back again for a terrific meal and memorable time. The décor and setup of your Bay Area business should invite your customers into an experience that is distinctly different from the everyday humdrum. So why not upgrade your property with outdoor entertainment solutions?

High-end audio video in your outdoor seating and lounge areas lets your guests enjoy their wine and food while taking in the sights – with carefully selected music and media accompanying every moment!

Want to learn more about how outdoor AV solutions can completely elevate your restaurant, winery, or commercial space in California? Keep reading on below!


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Boost the Aesthetic with Whole-Home Audio


Architectural Speakers from Sonance Let Your Design Choices Shine

High-performance audio should never mean compromising on personal décor and style. Audio solutions and speakers don’t have to hinder design choices but can instead enhance them! With Sonance, you can elevate your clients’ Bay Area properties without ever making them sacrifice their own personal aesthetics. Instead, bring increased value to any property and give the overall design a boost with architectural speakers from this trusted brand.

Want to find out more about blending style and functionality seamlessly with whole-home audio? Keep reading on below.


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