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Enjoy Luxury Living at Its Best with Smart Home Automation

A family room with an open floor plan, TV, sunlight streaming through the windows, and shades partially lowered.

Let Your Smart Home Set the Stage for Life’s Many Activities

Are you considering entering the world of smart home automation? You may have even started the process with several intelligent devices, like a smart TV, smart speakers, or video doorbell. And while all these devices offer enhanced entertainment and security, they pale in comparison to an integrated, customized smart home.

At Northbay Technology Company, we believe personalization is the key to outstanding smart home living. For this reason, we work closely with our clients to understand their lifestyles and the specific technology that can make an incredible difference in their daily lives. No two families are the same, and no two smart homes should be, either. 

Let’s explore some of the many options that bring the pinnacle of luxury living to homeowners in the Bay Area.

SEE ALSO: 3 Creative Ways to Use Smart Home Automation

A Home Automation Platform Defined

A smart home is managed by a home automation platform. This platform communicates with all your smart devices and systems, such as lighting, climate, entertainment, security, pools, spas, and more, and these systems also communicate with each other. The result is an ecosystem of interconnected devices that work together to create the ideal environment for life’s many activities. 

Manage your entire home by tapping an icon or button on a user-friendly interface or via voice command. When you’re away, pull up an app on your mobile device for complete remote control.

Performing Daily Tasks

When you consider an average day in your home, what does it consist of? For some, it may start by opening the shades, turning on certain lights, adjusting the thermostat, turning on the morning news, and making a latte. For others, the day begins by heating the spa, warming the exercise room and towel racks, tuning into their favorite heart-pumping playlist, and making fresh orange juice. 

A customized smart home considers the routines that make up your life and then performs them for you. Whether this translates to raising the motorized shades at sunrise, setting the perfect climate, and turning on the TV, or streaming inspirational music via your whole-home audio system, your home prepares itself for you in advance. 

Creating an Exceptional Environment

Do you regularly entertain, watch movies with the family, or have friends over for the big game? We'll use today's technology to craft the ideal entertainment space and integrate it with your home automation system for effortless control. Tap a button that reads ‘Movie Night’ and the blackout shades lower, the TV and surround sound come on, and the lights dim. 

When friends come over, press ‘Entertain,’ and your lighting transforms to a preset selection, whether soft amber, golden candlelight, or saturated hues. At the same time, your chosen playlist streams through your home, the doors unlock, the landscape lights illuminate, and the spa heats. Time to retire? Press 'Good Night,' and your smart home goes to bed with you.

We've only scratched the surface of smart home living but would be happy to discuss its many features. To learn more about customized smart home automation or to schedule a complimentary consultation, contact Northbay Technology Company today.

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