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Create a 5-Star Customer Experience with Commercial Audio


Serve Up a Great Atmosphere 

We’ve all been to a café or restaurant with audio that sounds noticeably off. There’s the restaurant that’s so loud you can hardly hear your family speaking during dinner, or the Bay Area coffee shop that’s so quiet, the baristas are surely listening to your conversation. 

Even if your food is Michelin-quality and your servers are incredible, guests will take home the memory of the entire experience. So, if they visit your sports bar to watch the game and can hardly hear it, they may not pick your spot next game night. If they stop in to hear live music, but the speakers are distorted, it will leave a bad mark on their memory. 

What will customers remember about your bar, coffee shop, restaurant, or store? Will they tell friends it’s too loud or that it has “bad vibes”? A commercial speaker system can make or break the dining or nightlife experience. 

Here’s how commercial audio distribution can enhance your eatery in the Bay Area and create a better experience for all. 

SEE ALSO: Top-Notch Audio Distribution for Your Whole Restaurant or Winery

Multi-Room Sound System

After interior design and lighting, music is the best way to bring personality to your restaurant, bar, or café. Whether you play ‘70s disco music or classic Italian songs, you’ll attract a customer base that appreciates your restaurant’s soundtrack. With a distributed audio system, music will play in sync across the entire space and outdoors. 

Many restaurants resort to only one or two speakers to cover the entire establishment. But no one likes sitting under a speaker that’s blasting the volume. Instead, you can provide a comfortable listening experience by installing multiple speakers throughout each room. This way, no dining area is uncomfortably loud. 

Don’t have space for all those speakers? In-wall and in-ceiling speakers are a minimalist way to deliver sound to every area. 

Outdoor Audio 

If your establishment offers an outdoor dining area, you want to consider the experience there, too. We install weatherproof outdoor loudspeakers that can connect to your indoor sound system. And with enough sound coverage, you can keep the volume low, so you won’t bother any neighboring businesses or homes. Pair the speakers with outdoor TVs and video walls, built to withstand all weather conditions year-round. 

Acoustics & Soundproofing 

Have you ever visited a restaurant or bar that was so loud you had to yell to speak to your friend beside you? Clattering plates and laughter drown out your words, leaving you frustrated. 

Your restaurant doesn’t have to be like that! We recommend installing acoustic treatments and soundproofing on walls and ceilings to balance sound and contain noise. Even if it’s busy, sound waves will be more evenly distributed and won’t cause echo or reverberation.

Automated Control 

There’s little use for high-end audio if it’s cumbersome to manage. With a smart control system, your staff can easily adjust audio, video, lighting, and more—all from the same interface. You won’t need multiple remotes or apps, just one. Select different media for each audio zone, or play the same song across the entire restaurant. Lower the volume for the back room, or queue the next playlist. With a media control system, it’s easy to customize the experience for any time of day. 


Ready to upgrade your business’s audio in Napa Valley? Northbay Technology Company is here to help. We design and install custom AV systems for businesses of all sizes and types. Contact us here to get started today! 

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